by | Aug 8, 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We all associate the idea of dancing with the belief that to be able to learn we need to have a partner, otherwise we are doomed to not being able to practise dancing.

Well, this is very much a misconception.

If you ever have the chance to speak to experienced or professional dancers, they will all tell you that practising on your own is actually better (especially while learning the basic steps or wanting to really perfect your moves).

Starting the “dancing journey” sometimes can be quite daunting – so many questions spinning through our heads – but definitely, you do not need to worry about having a partner to practise with.

The benefit of learning the basic steps without a partner are actually quite a few:
From not needing to worry about making “a mistake” (which has never to be taken as one anyway while practising), to being able to completely concentrate on the moves without trying to “understand” what the other person is doing etc.

Also working on the correct posture and frame needs to be done separately to be then able to apply them when dancing in partnership.

Another great misconception is that the followers are completely dependent on the leaders while the truth is quite different.
Followers are complete dancers in their own right, and because of this they also need to know the movements and perfect them on their own.
On the other side of the coin, the leaders do not need a partner to practise either as they too need to develop their skills in basics first.

In nearly all Caribbean dances there are also techniques called Man Style and Lady Style.
Both Leaders and Followers study different patterns and choreographies – these skills are then shown at a certain point when the couple separates during a dance to show off their personal moves and polished skills.

The other way to answer the question “Can I practise without a Partner ?” refers to the possibility of enrolling in a dancing school even if you do not have a partner to go with.

The same principle applies as above –
Dancing Schools will teach basic steps individually and then usually leaders and followers are paired from the pool of students attending the classes.

So, there really is no excuse for not practising your dancing :0)

On your own or with a partner, dancing is the way to a happier and healthier life :0).




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